October Ten Years of My Life | My favorite shots

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Ecola State Park

Ecola State Park, just north of Cannon Beach, Oregon has an amazing 3 mile road through a very thick forest. I had to stop to take a shot because it was like no place I’d ever been. I later learned that some of the Lewis and Clark party walked about 15 miles through this forest […]

Columbia River Gorge

I spent the past few days in and around Hood River, Oregon. While I didn’t care much for the yuppified resort town, the natural beauty of the surroundings made the trip worth it.


The highlight of the grueling 12 hour drive from San Francisco to Portland is catching Mt. Shasta in the fading sunset on your way home.

Fresh for Spring

After a long rainy winter, it was nice to get out and enjoy some sun at the Woodburn tulip farm. I’ve also decided to scrap the design I’ve been using here for the past couple years. It wasn’t very flexible and I wanted to start using any size photos and not have a limit on text […]


Colors The variety of orchid coloration is also something worth noting.


Evolution The ways in which orchids differentiate is amazing. I’m guessing this flower collects dew high in humid treetops in order to survive.

Pink Orchid

Orchids Orchids amaze me in their diversity and specialization.


Nicolas My cousin Nick, hanging tough with his bumblebee “tattoo”. Seeing Nick grow up always makes me feel old, since I was about his age when he was born, and I still recall being at his home birth. Soon, he’ll be driving and it blows my mind.

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden I tend to visit the Japanese Gardens found in most major cities. It’s a nice baseline, and a way to get away from the hubub. This is the one in San Diego, which is only a few years old.


Tulips My favorite flowers in my favorite colors.